Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Impacts Of Teen Pregnancy - 1525 Words

Although the pregnancy rate in adolescents has declined steadily in the past 10 years, it remains a major public health problem with lasting repercussions for the teenage mothers, their infants and families, and society as a whole. Successful strategies to prevent adolescent pregnancy include community programs to improve social development, responsible sexual behavior education, and improved contraceptive counseling and delivery. Many of these strategies are implemented at the family and community level. The family physician plays a key role by engaging adolescent patients in confidential, open, and nonthreatening discussions of reproductive health, responsible sexual behavior (including condom use to prevent sexually transmitted†¦show more content†¦The earlier teens get prenatal care, the better chance they have for a healthy pregnancy, delivery, and baby. Pregnant teens are at a greater risk for complications during pregnancy including premature labor, anemia, and hypert ensive disorders such as high preeclampsia and eclampsia. It is essential that teens get involved in childbirth education classes that are specifically developed for the teenage population. These classes can teach teens vital information concerning pregnancy, good nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle, as well as the processes of giving birth and the factors involved in being a parent. Classes like this can also act as a support group. Risk Factors †¢ teen PreeclampsiaExtreme youth (younger than fifteen) and/or pregnancy less than two years after the onset of menstruation †¢ Poor nutrition or being under- or overweight before pregnancy †¢ Poor pregnancy weight gain †¢ Infections such as chlamydia or others sexually transmitted diseases †¢ preexisting anemia, smoking, or alcohol or drug use †¢ Poverty and lack of social support or appropriate heath care †¢ Lack of general education and age-appropriate prenatal care and nutritional education in particular †¢ Unfortunately, teenage mothers are also more likely to drop out of school and to experience financial hardship Nutritional Needs Dietary intake is one of the most important and one of the most controllable factors for a healthier outcome for both the baby and the young mother. 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The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy (NCPTP) has established connections between early pregnancy and childbearing to a number of other serious social issues, for instance health, education and poverty (Unplanned pregnancy, sexual, 2012). The NCPTP reports that between the years 1990 and 2008 â€Å"The teen pregnancy rate has declined an impressive 42%† (Unplanned pregnancy, sexual, 2012)

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