Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Impacts Of Teen Pregnancy - 1525 Words

Although the pregnancy rate in adolescents has declined steadily in the past 10 years, it remains a major public health problem with lasting repercussions for the teenage mothers, their infants and families, and society as a whole. Successful strategies to prevent adolescent pregnancy include community programs to improve social development, responsible sexual behavior education, and improved contraceptive counseling and delivery. Many of these strategies are implemented at the family and community level. The family physician plays a key role by engaging adolescent patients in confidential, open, and nonthreatening discussions of reproductive health, responsible sexual behavior (including condom use to prevent sexually transmitted†¦show more content†¦The earlier teens get prenatal care, the better chance they have for a healthy pregnancy, delivery, and baby. Pregnant teens are at a greater risk for complications during pregnancy including premature labor, anemia, and hypert ensive disorders such as high preeclampsia and eclampsia. It is essential that teens get involved in childbirth education classes that are specifically developed for the teenage population. These classes can teach teens vital information concerning pregnancy, good nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle, as well as the processes of giving birth and the factors involved in being a parent. Classes like this can also act as a support group. Risk Factors †¢ teen PreeclampsiaExtreme youth (younger than fifteen) and/or pregnancy less than two years after the onset of menstruation †¢ Poor nutrition or being under- or overweight before pregnancy †¢ Poor pregnancy weight gain †¢ Infections such as chlamydia or others sexually transmitted diseases †¢ preexisting anemia, smoking, or alcohol or drug use †¢ Poverty and lack of social support or appropriate heath care †¢ Lack of general education and age-appropriate prenatal care and nutritional education in particular †¢ Unfortunately, teenage mothers are also more likely to drop out of school and to experience financial hardship Nutritional Needs Dietary intake is one of the most important and one of the most controllable factors for a healthier outcome for both the baby and the young mother. As with allShow MoreRelatedThe Problem And Its Impact On Teen Pregnancy3184 Words   |  13 PagesTHE PROBLEM AND ITS IMPACT Teen Pregnancy in the United States Teen pregnancy in the United States has been an ongoing issue for well over 50 years. The United States ranks first amongst developed countries in teen pregnancy rates (See Table 2). Approximately 750,000 teenage girls between ages 15 and19 will become pregnant every year (Do Something.org, 2014). Statistics show that of the teen population that will become pregnant annually, only a small percentage complete their high school educationRead MoreEssay on The Impact of Teen Pregnancy on the American People832 Words   |  4 PagesThe Impact of Teen Pregnancy on the American People Although the rate of teenage pregnancy in the United States has been on an overall decline, it remains the highest in the entire world. Teenage pregnancy is obviously still a problem in todays American society with roughly 97 per 1000 women aged 15-19, which rounds up to be roughly one million teenagers, becoming pregnant each year. Interestingly enough, 78% of these pregnancies are unintended. The births of these children are not onlyRead MoreTeen Pregnancy973 Words   |  4 PagesTeen Pregnancy Speech Teen pregnancy rates sky rocket every year. 560,000 teenage girls give birth each year. One sixth of all United States births are to teenage girls. Teen pregnancy rates are soaring and many teenage girls are impacted negatively because they are unable to fulfill the many responsibilities such as education and financial needs. Something needs to be done to decrease the teen pregnancy rates. None of you will argue that teen pregnancy rates aren’t high. And all agree somethingRead MoreTeen Pregnancy1426 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Teen pregnancy is often unplanned and challenging for the future life of mother and child. The increase risk of health problems for both mother and baby occur during teen pregnancy. Teen pregnancy impacts adolescent development in all aspects: physical, emotional, cognitive, and social development. Negative consequences result from teen pregnancy include: low income, increased school dropout rates, lower educational levels, and increased rates of substance abuse (Garwood, Gerassi, ReidRead More Views on Teens Pregnancies Through the Years Essay844 Words   |  4 PagesThe Views on Teens Pregnancies Through the Years There are many different attributes to teenage pregnancy. The majority of teenagers do not realize the consequences of their actions. Taking that into consideration the influences of the teens are highly important during the pre teen stage all the way to adult hood. During the time of this impressionable stage many of the teens are having sex not because of love, but because it is a trend. The media is glamorizing teen pregnancy and leading to a culturalRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Teen Pregnancy846 Words   |  4 PagesTeen Pregnancy Teen pregnancy is a major concern in our society, but does it benefit or hinder our teen parents? The U.S teen pregnancy rate is substantially higher than in other western industrialized nations, additionally, a total of over 229,000 babies were born to women aged 15-19 years in 2015 for a rate of 22.3 per 1,000 women in this age group (CDC, 2017). While becoming a parent is a wonderful experience and a blessing, teen pregnancy should be prevented because the health behaviors associatedRead MoreTeen Pregnancy is a Growing Problem in the United States1084 Words   |  4 PagesPlus, adolescent or teen pregnancy can be defined as â€Å"pregnancy in girls age 19 or younger† (para. 1). According to the CDC’s â€Å"Births: Final Data for 2012† report, for girls between the ages of 15-19 there were 305,388 live births, or 29.4 live births per 1,000 population (para. 1,2). Between the years of 2010 and 2012 there were 39 pregnancies recorded for girls between the age s of 10 and 19 in Seaside, Oregon and for the same time period and age group there were 110 pregnancies in Clatsop CountyRead MoreReality Shows : Helping Or Hurting Teenage Girls?1370 Words   |  6 Pages  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While teenage pregnancy has been on the rise in America since the 1950’s, researchers have been trying to look for an ideal solution that will help solve the problem by declining teenage birth rates. Perhaps there is a potential solution after all. What could this solution possibly be? Well, it might be as simple as the reality shows â€Å"16 and Pregnant† and â€Å"Teen Mom† on the MTV network. Ever since airing in 2009, the shows â€Å"16 and Pregnant† and â€Å"Teen Mom† have made a positive impact on teenage girlsRead MoreTeen Pregnancy Essay1121 Words   |  5 Pages5/6 11/20/2017 Teen Pregnancy The fearless of all parents who have teenagers is pregnancy. Nowadays, teen pregnancy is a serious problem. Teenage have a lack of skills to handle a pregnancy. So that impact strongly on the future of a young woman. Teen pregnancy is associated with negative consequences for adolescents for three reasons: lack of education, medical complication, uncertainty about the future, and financial difficulties. First, the main causes of teenage pregnancy are the lack of educationRead MoreThe Sociological Viewpoint Toward Social Problems Essay1077 Words   |  5 Pages(Leon-Guerrero, 2010). Teen pregnancy is a very serious social problem that has a large impact on society. The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy (NCPTP) has established connections between early pregnancy and childbearing to a number of other serious social issues, for instance health, education and poverty (Unplanned pregnancy, sexual, 2012). The NCPTP reports that between the years 1990 and 2008 â€Å"The teen pregnancy rate has declined an impressive 42%† (Unplanned pregnancy, sexual, 2012)

Monday, December 23, 2019

Romanticism And Its Influence On Our Own Era - 1250 Words

Romanticism was a specific, complex, widespread movement in thought and culture. It continues to have a huge influence on our own era’s poetry, novels, songs, films and sometimes our entire philosophy of what life is about. This kind of Romantic is always written with a capital â€Å"R†- don’t confuse it with the the narrower, Hollywood style, small ’r’ idea of romantic† that means related to being in love! Romantic (capital ‘R’) thoughts and values are something different and further-reaching. Romanticism originated in the late Eighteenth Century (1700s) in Western Europe. In part, it was a reaction against the Industrial Revolution, and certainly Romanticism developed and strengthened over this period of enormous industrial development.†¦show more content†¦None of these poet’s can simply be unified by one distinctive Romantic characteristic- but they can all be seen to manifest certain Romantic qualities. Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Wordsworth In English literature, Wordsworth and his friend, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, were pioneers in the development of the Romantic Movement, or romanticism, a movement that championed imagination and emotions as more powerful than reason and systematic thinking. â€Å"What I feel about a person or thing,† a romantic poet might have said, â€Å"is more important than what scientific investigation, observation, and experience would say about that person or thing.† Intuition–that voice within that makes judgments and decisions without the aid of reason—was a guiding force to the romantic poet. You don’t have to spend time looking through collections of Romanic poetry to realise just how much the natural world is a primary poetic subject for them. Coleridge described natural phenomena- like landscapes, weather, rocks, flowers, animals- with an accuracy and sensitivity that went beyond all earlier poetic movements in terms of it’s passionate yet subtle detail. Nature serves as a stimulus for the most characteristic human activity, which the Romantics dedicated themselves to: personal thinking and feeling. A great deal of poetry of this period manifests a strong supernatural

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Deception Point Page 46 Free Essays

Delta-One had now finished packing snow down the woman’s throat. Before turning his attention to the others, Delta-One unhooked the woman’s belay harness. He could reconnect it later, but at the moment, he did not want the two people behind the sled getting ideas about pulling his victim to safety. We will write a custom essay sample on Deception Point Page 46 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Michael Tolland had just witnessed a murderous act more bizarre than his darkest mind could imagine. Having cut Norah Mangor free, the three attackers were turning their attention to Corky. I’ve got to do something! Corky had come to and was moaning, trying to sit up, but one of the soldiers pushed him back down on his back, straddled him, and pinned Corky’s arms to the ice by kneeling on them. Corky let out a cry of pain that was instantly swallowed up by the raging wind. In a kind of demented terror, Tolland tore through the scattered contents of the overturned sled. There must be something here! A weapon! Something! All he saw was diagnostic ice gear, most of it smashed beyond recognition by the ice pellets. Beside him, Rachel groggily tried to sit up, using her ice ax to prop herself up. â€Å"Run†¦ Mike†¦ â€Å" Tolland eyed the ax that was strapped to Rachel’s wrist. It could be a weapon. Sort of. Tolland wondered what his chances were attacking three armed men with a tiny ax. Suicide. As Rachel rolled and sat up, Tolland spied something behind her. A bulky vinyl bag. Praying against fate that it contained a flare gun or radio, he clambered past her and grabbed the bag. Inside he found a large, neatly folded sheet of Mylar fabric. Worthless. Tolland had something similar on his research ship. It was a small weather balloon, designed to carry payloads of observational weather gear not much heavier than a personal computer. Norah’s balloon would be no help here, particularly without a helium tank. With the growing sounds of Corky’s struggle, Tolland felt a helpless sensation he had not felt in years. Total despair. Total loss. Like the cliche of one’s life passing before one’s eyes before death, Tolland’s mind flashed unexpectedly through long forgotten childhood images. For an instant he was sailing in San Pedro, learning the age-old sailor’s pastime of spinnaker-flying-hanging on a knotted rope, suspended over the ocean, plunging laughing into the water, rising and falling like a kid hanging on a belfry rope, his fate determined by a billowing spinnaker sail and the whim of the ocean breeze. Tolland’s eyes instantly snapped back to the Mylar balloon in his hand, realizing that his mind had not been surrendering, but rather it had been trying to remind him of a solution! Spinnaker flying. Corky was still struggling against his captor as Tolland yanked open the protective bag around the balloon. Tolland had no illusions that this plan was anything other than a long shot, but he knew remaining here was certain death for all of them. He clutched the folded mass of Mylar. The payload clip warned: CAUTION: NOT FOR USE IN WINDS OVER 10 KNOTS. The hell with that! Gripping it hard to keep it from unfurling, Tolland clambered over to Rachel, who was propped on her side. He could see the confusion in her eyes as he nestled close, yelling, â€Å"Hold this!† Tolland handed Rachel the folded pad of fabric and then used his free hands to slip the balloon’s payload clasp through one of the carabiners on his harness. Then, rolling on his side, he slipped the clasp through one of Rachel’s carabiners as well. Tolland and Rachel were now one. Joined at the hip. From between them, the loose tether trailed off across the snow to the struggling Corky†¦ and ten yards farther to the empty clip beside Norah Mangor. Norah is already gone, Tolland told himself. Nothing you can do. The attackers were crouched over Corky’s writhing body now, packing a handful of snow, and preparing to stuff it down Corky’s throat. Tolland knew they were almost out of time. Tolland grabbed the folded balloon from Rachel. The fabric was as light as tissue paper-and virtually indestructible. Here goes nothing. â€Å"Hold on!† â€Å"Mike?† Rachel said. â€Å"What-â€Å" Tolland hurled the pad of wadded Mylar into the air over their heads. The howling wind snatched it up and spread it out like a parachute in a hurricane. The sheath filled instantly, billowing open with a loud snap. Tolland felt a wrenching yank on his harness, and he knew in an instant he had grossly underestimated the power of the katabatic wind. Within a fraction of a second, he and Rachel were half airborne, being dragged down the glacier. A moment later, Tolland felt a jerk as his tether drew taut on Corky Marlinson. Twenty yards back, his terrified friend was yanked out from under his stunned attackers, sending one of them tumbling backward. Corky let out a blood-curdling scream as he too accelerated across the ice, barely missing the overturned sled, then fishtailing inward. A second rope trailed limp beside Corky†¦ the rope that had been connected to Norah Mangor. Nothing you can do, Tolland told himself. Like a tangled mass of human marionettes, the three bodies skimmed down the glacier. Ice pellets went sailing by, but Tolland knew the attackers had missed their chance. Behind him, the white-clad soldiers faded away, shrinking to illuminated specks in the glow of the flares. Tolland now felt the ice ripping beneath his padded suit with relentless acceleration, and the relief at having escaped faded fast. Less than two miles directly ahead of them, the Milne Ice Shelf came to an abrupt end at a precipitous cliff-and beyond it†¦ a hundred-foot drop to the lethal pounding surf of the Arctic Ocean. 52 Marjorie Tench was smiling as she made her way downstairs toward the White House Communications Office, the computerized broadcast facility that disseminated press releases formulated upstairs in the Communications Bullpen. The meeting with Gabrielle Ashe had gone well. Whether or not Gabrielle was scared enough to turn over an affidavit admitting the affair was uncertain, but it sure as hell was worth a try. Gabrielle would be smart to bail out on him, Tench thought. The poor girl had no idea just how hard Sexton was about to fall. In a few hours, the President’s meteoric press conference was going to cut Sexton down at the knees. That was in the bank. Gabrielle Ashe, if she cooperated, would be the death blow that sent Sexton crawling off in shame. In the morning, Tench could release Gabrielle’s affidavit to the press along with footage of Sexton denying it. One-two punch. After all, politics was not just about winning the election, it was about winning decisively-having the momentum to carry out one’s vision. Historically, any president who squeaked into office on a narrow margin accomplished much less; he was weakened right out of the gate, and Congress never seemed to let him forget it. Ideally, the destruction of Senator Sexton’s campaign would be comprehensive-a two-pronged attack sacking both his politics and his ethics. This strategy, known in Washington as the â€Å"high-low,† was stolen from the art of military warfare. Force the enemy to battle on two fronts. When a candidate possessed a piece of negative information about his opponent, he often waited until he had a second piece and went public with both simultaneously. A double-edged attack was always more effective than a single shot, particularly when the dual attack incorporated separate aspects of his campaign-the first against his politics, the second against his character. Rebuttal of a political attack took logic, while rebuttal of a character attack took passion; disputing both simultaneously was an almost impossible balancing act. Tonight, Senator Sexton would find himself scrambling to extract himself from the political nightmare of an astounding NASA triumph, and yet his plight would deepen considerably if he were forced to defend his NASA position while being called a liar by a prominent female member of his staff. How to cite Deception Point Page 46, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Asset Building and Community Development

Question: Discuss about the Asset Building and Community Development. Answer: Introduction Community assessment can be described as a process by which memvers of the community gains and develops the understanding of the concerns, health and the system of health care by identifying, collecting, analyzing, disseminating information based on the assets of the community, resources needs and the strengths (Green Haines, 2015). It is requires to do the identification and setting up the priorities focusing the needs, decisions were need to make based on the available resources and the needs of the community. It also helps in the understanding the determinants that deals with the health issue, it also provides the systematic organizational decisions that are being made (Alwaer Kirk, 2015). Public relation tools are needed to be served as well. Awareness for the development of the community is needed to be spread for any sort of community problem or concern. Community assessment is required by any community for strengthening the involvement of the participants of the community members in the making of decisions along the proper and better use of the resources those are available to the community. Improving the skills of communication, with any organization and the people, belonging to the particular community helps greatly in the assessment of the community. The quality of the data needs to be improved and updated (Freeman et al., 2014). Health initiatives towards the assessment of the community need to be sustained. Several challenges are faced while assessing the community. For instance, taking care of the professional boundaries, knowledge of language lacks, commitment from the main stake-holders lacks, relevant data and the targeted populations cannot be accessed. There are mainly six steps for conducting the assessment of a community. The steps can be listed below: Needs and Assets One of the major goal of the assessment of the community is for the development the information based on the understanding the gaps or the requirements that exist in that particular community. The needs and the requirements have an impact on the members of the community. For instance, few people may want park space for their refreshment or the pet owners want it for the refreshment of their pet as well. But the sport lovers will require for their practice (Palas Svennson, 2016). This type of the issues need to be considered and must be balanced. The need of the community depends on the large or the small number of the members of the community member, the focus will be on the assessment on the need that is considered prior. Go solo or collaborate: Choosing the degree will highlight the decisions accessible to one for leading to community assessment. One can choose to "go solo" and convey the whole duty regarding finishing the greater part of the group evaluation exercises; or, one can work with group accomplices as a shared venture to finish the evaluation. Potential people group accomplices incorporate enterprises, not-for-profit associations, nearby group associations, establishments that give awards to ones group, colleges, and government substances. A standout amongst the most critical variables to consider is the level of assets one need to direct a group appraisal. Inspect the time, exertion, and HR that are accessible from ones different partners, counting staff, volunteers, advisors, and board individuals (Togher et al., 2014). Setting up coordinated efforts will build the assets accessible to lead a quality and valuable appraisal. Collection of data: This progression will manage one through finding dependable wellsprings of data and, when vital, building up ones own particular information gathering instruments. In any information gathering exertion, it is basic that one first set cutoff points on how much information one will gather and break down. Consider the measure of time and assets one have accessible preceding choosing a particular strategy or mix of strategies. Organize ones information gathering needs as indicated by what is fundamental to finish ones group evaluation. Ones people group appraisal will be founded on two sorts of information sources: optional and essential. Begin ones information accumulation with auxiliary sourcesinformation that has as of now been gathered by others. Different individuals from ones group may have the data that one look for. Start with nearby wellsprings of data and after that widen ones inquiry as vital (Forbes Watt, 2014). Concentrate on nature of information instead of amount, so one can devote more opportunity to different parts of the group appraisal. Determine key findings: The information accumulation step will bring about a ton of information and data about ones group needs and resources. One can break down the information to recognize the evaluation's key discoveries. Key discoveries fill a few needs: ? They approve episodic confirmation of group needs and resources. ? They highlight huge patterns found in the information accumulation prepare. ? They uncover contrasts crosswise over fragments of the group. ? They encourage clear up answers to the group appraisal's key inquiries. The key discoveries can be composed into classes to help compress the information. When one isolate ones key discoveries from each other, one can utilize them all the more viably when arranging ones reaction. Basic key discoveries classifications utilized as a part of group appraisals incorporate qualities, holes, openings, and difficulties (Ambersin et al, 2013). Step 5- set priorities and creating an action plan: The finish of a group appraisal process ought to permit one to settle on educated choices about ones objectives and goals. One can distinguish particular needs that surfaced in ones appraisal that one need to address. Step five of the group evaluation process is to set needs in view of ones discoveries and make an activity plan to control ones post-evaluation arranging. For each piece of ones arrangement, decide how one will quantify the adequacy of ones activities. Receive measures that help characterize ones system and that one will have the capacity to track after some time. Need setting is troublesome (Arbon, 2014). It requires creating accord among group individuals with various sentiments and perspectives on how group issues ought to be tended to. Share ones findings: The last strides regarding community assessment are imparting what one have figured out how to others and to spread ones arrangement. Since one have set aside the opportunity to discover data about ones group, one ought to permit the group to profit by ones discoveries. Group individuals will probably bolster ones endeavors when they have a reasonable comprehension of the work one have done and of what their group needs. One can hold group gatherings to impart ones answer to group individuals or issue official statements to increment spread in various media outlets. Notwithstanding the full report, consider distributing an one-page handout to compress key discoveries and activities from the group evaluation Reference List AlWaer, H., Kirk, R. D. (2015). Matching a community assessment tool to the requirements of practice.Urban Design and Planning: ice Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Ambresin, A. E., Bennett, K., Patton, G. C., Sanci, L. A., Sawyer, S. M. (2013). Assessment of youth-friendly health care: a systematic review of indicators drawn from young people's perspectives.Journal of Adolescent Health,52(6), 670-681. Arbon, P. (2014). Developing a model and tool to measure community disaster resilience.Australian Journal of Emergency Management, The,29(4), 12. Forbes, H., Watt, E. (2015).Jarvis's Physical Examination and Health Assessment. Elsevier Health Sciences. Freeman, T., Jolley, G., Baum, F., Lawless, A., Javanparast, S., Labont, R. (2014). Community assessment workshops: a group method for gathering client experiences of health services.Health social care in the community,22(1), 47-56. Green, G. P., Haines, A. (2015).Asset building community development. Sage publications. Pallas, J., Svensson, E. (2016). Typical tools for assessment of communicative performance.Corporate Reputation Review,19(1), 47-58. Togher, L., Power, E., Rietdijk, R., McDonald, S., Tate, R. (2014). Assessing the outcomes of a clinical trial: Primary outcome measures only tell part of the story.