Monday, August 24, 2020

Legalize Marijuana Essay Example for Free

Legitimize Marijuana Essay Weed has been attacked in America over the past 70+ years. In spite of its numerous down to earth utilizes, restorative and modern, our Federal government demands keeping up business as usual that the development, ownership and utilization of weed is criminal in spite of the proof that the sanctioning of cannabis would affect America. In this paper I will talk about the historical backdrop of weed, the mechanical employments of hemp, the preclusion of pot, the financial effect disallowance has on America, the impacts of maryjane use on the psyche and the body, cannabis for clinical use, and how legitimization of weed would affect America. In spite of the fact that I bolster the legitimization of weed I don't bolster the authorization of other Schedule I tranquilizes, accordingly this paper isn't about the sanctioning all things considered. Pot, as a great many people regularly know it, is actually a plant called hemp, or cannabis sativa. There are different plants called hemp, however cannabis hemp is the most helpful of these plants. Hemp is any strong plant utilized since ancient times for some reasons, and cannabis is the most sturdy of the hemp plants. The cannabis plant likewise delivers three significant items that different plants don't, seed, mash, and medication. The cannabis sativa plant develops as weed and developed plant everywhere throughout the world in an assortment of atmospheres and soils. Pot has been utilized from the beginning of time; in 6000 B.C. cannabis seeds were utilized as food in China; in 4000 B.C. the Chinese utilized materials made of hemp; the main recorded utilization of cannabis as medication in China was in 2727 B.C.; and in 1500 B.C. the Chinese developed Cannabis for food and fiber. This course of events continues endlessly directly through today. It is felt that hemp was first brought to the New World in 1545 by the Spanish; it was presented in Jamestown by the English in 1611 where it turned into a significant business crop close by tobacco and was developed as a wellspring of fiber. Our progenitors developed hemp; in truth it was the chief yield at Mount Vernon and it was an optional harvest at Monticello. There are recorded notes made by George Washington in regards to the development and gathering of hemp. These hemp yields obviously were developed for modern utilize just and there is no sign that our ancestors were utilizing their harvests recreationally. Today the hemp developed for modern purposes have amazingly low degrees of THC Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol delta 9-THC, the dynamic part in cannabis in this way it is difficult to get high from such hemp developed for mechanical use. During the Colonial Era Americans were will undoubtedly develop hemp. During the Second World War the central government sponsored hemp and US ranchers developed around a million sections of land of hemp as a major aspect of that program. Hemp is unprecedented in its decent variety. There are more than 25,000 distinct uses for the hemp plant. As a result of how rapidly hemp can be developed it is the Earth’s number one biomass asset. Hemp’s utilizes incorporate yet are surely not restricted to fuel; food, hemp seeds give an unfathomable wellspring of protein for individuals as well as for winged creatures who search out hemp seeds which have been blended in with different seeds; paper; materials, for instance canvas, paper, fabric, rope; paint; cleanser; varnish; oil; in; medication; and building materials. Practically any item that can be produced using wood, cotton, or oil including plastics can be produced using hemp. Indeed, hemp plastics are biodegradable. Other than its assorted variety, the common sense of using hemp to its fullest potential is clear. Trees take from 50 to 100 years to develop; hemp’s development cycle is 120 days. It is evaluated that if the hemp mash paper process announced by the USDA in 1916 were lawful today it would before long supplant 70% of all wood paper items. In spite of the entirety of its demonstrated uses, which are all valuable to the planet Earth, the development of mechanical hemp in the United States stays a criminal demonstration on account of the automated ravings of our central government. President and author of Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) Glenn Levant Hemp is maryjane. Philip Perry, specialist responsible for the DEAs Rocky Mountain Division unconsciously states, (Levant 1) the push to decriminalize hemp is close to a shallow ploy being progressed by the individuals who look to legitimize maryjane. It ought to be noticed that the selling hemp items are not unlawful and in reality the U.S. hemp-items industry does about $125 million in retail deals a year. Albeit most states had neighborhood laws precluding weed use and ownership, it wasn’t until 1937 that the central government passed the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act. Strangely, the congressional hearings on cannabis denial kept going all of two hours in direct differentiation to most congressional hearings on new laws which keep going for a considerable length of time and days. There were actually three groups of declarations affirming at these hearings. The first was Commissioner Harry Anslinger, the recently named official of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics who happened to be named by his uncle-in-law, Andrew Mellon, who was the Secretary of the United States Treasury. Magistrate Anslinger affirmed for the government’s benefit. As anyone might expect he was working from a book which he had not kept in touch with hims elf yet which had been composed for him by a New Orleans District Attorney. Perusing straightforwardly from this content Commissioner Anslinger told the Congressmen at the hearings, Marihuana is an addictive medication which creates in its user’s craziness, guiltiness, and passing. That was the Commissioner’s splendidly canny government declaration to help the cannabis disallowance. The second assortments of declaration to affirm at this congressional hearing were modern representatives. The first of these representatives was, in all honesty, a man speaking to the rope business. This industry agent affirmed that it was less expensive to import from the Far East the hemp expected to make ropes and along these lines the United States not, at this point expected to develop any more hemp to make rope. After five years, in 1942, the United States was cut off from its wellsprings of hemp in the Far East and, since we required a great deal of hemp to furnish our boats with rope for World War II, the Federal Government went into the matter of developing hemp on enormous ranches all through the Midwest and the South. The paint and varnish representatives didn’t appear to mind either what direction. The main mechanical representative who protested the Marij uana Tax Act at all was the birdseed agent who sang the commendations of hemp seeds for the birds’ coats. In view of this complaint the birdseed business got an exclusion from the Marijuana Tax Act for denatured seeds. â€Å"The third assortment of declaration was two agents of the clinical field. The primary declaration originated from a pharmacologist who guaranteed that he had infused the dynamic fixing in marihuana into the cerebrums of 300 pooches, two of which kicked the bucket. When inquired as to whether he pick hounds for the closeness of their responses to that of people the appropriate response of the Pharmacologist was, I wouldnt know, I am not a canine therapist. The dynamic fixing in cannabis was first combined in a research center in Holland after World War II in this manner it is obscure right up 'til the present time what this pharmacologist infused into the canines. The second declaration in the interest of the clinical field originated from the Chief Counsel to the American Medical Association, Dr. William C. Woodward. Dr. Woodward was the consultation to affirm in li ne with the American Medical Association. His definite statement to the congressmen was, The American Medical Association is aware of no proof that marihuana is a hazardous medication. to which one of the Congressmen stated, Doctor, on the off chance that you cannot say something great regarding what we are attempting to do, why dont you return home? Keep in mind, this declaration originated from the Chief Counsel of the regarded American Medical Association. It ought to be nothing unexpected that the bill passed. The demonstration didn't itself condemn the ownership or use of weed however rather required a duty of roughly one dollar on any individual who managed economically in weed. The punishment arrangements for violators of the best possible systems could bring about a fine of up to $2000 and five years detainment. The planned outcome and without a doubt, the aftereffect of the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act was to adequately make it unreasonably hazardous for anybody to bargain in the substance. During the war years the Bureau decided to focus on sedatives and surrendered duty regarding most weed law authorization to the states. In the post-war years, in any case, there was seen as a critical increment in opiate medicate misuse and the general population started to be worried about the spread of opiate dependence, especially among youthful people. Congressional excitement was stirred by the statement that the utilization of marihuana unavoidably prompted the utilization of these harder medications, especially heroin. In 1951 Congress passed the Boggs Act, expanding punishments for all medication violators. It was as of now, without precedent for government tranquilize enactment, that weed and the opiate drugs were lumped together, since the Act gave uniform punishments to the Narcotic Drugs Import and Export Act Boggs Act, in the same place. what's more, the Marihuana Tax Act. The states followed the government lead. At that point, in 1956, Congress passed the Narcotic Control Act, raising the punishments even more. By and by the individual states stuck to this same pattern. The current Controlled Substances Act (CSA), Title II of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 is a combination of various past laws directing the assembling and circulation of opiates, energizers, depressants, psychedelic drugs, anabolic steroids, and synthetic concoctions utilized in the illegal creation of controlled substances. The CSA puts all substances that are directed under existing government law into one of five calendars. This position depends on the substances doctor

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Goals for the future free essay sample

Over the Corse of my secondary school year I have had a wide range of objectives yet the fundamental objective that I’m despite everything working at is to keep up on target with my work. I accept that this objective has helped me a ton on the grounds that with this objective I’m ready to accomplish more than a certain something. I’m ready to initially recognize what I have turned in and what work I need to turn in still. With this objective I additionally realize how to show my educators in the event that my work is lost that I turned in so I can get my focuses. At the point when I move on from secondary school I need to be in the clinical field like an enlisted nurture and with this objective I realize that I will have the option to arrive at my profession objective. I likewise feel that with this objective it will help me not exclusively to move on from secondary school yet in addition from school and go with me toss out my profession as an enlisted nurture. We will compose a custom article test on Objectives for what's to come or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page I can utilize this objective to be on my work and realize what patients I have helped and furthermore have the option to comprehend what tolerant I despite everything need to help. As should be obvious I take a gander at my objectives as a framework, a framework that rotates around me and my life. One objective can make for my entire life extremely simple. I will have the option to take testing courses and still have the option to pass them. I will likewise attend a university and utilize my objective to do well in school and not get captured behind on time. Also, last I will have the option to graduate school and go to the vocation that I need and utilize that equivalent objective to be extraordinary at what I love to do which is to connect with the patients and have the option to make their terrible visit a pleasant remain to ensure they disregard the medical issues they may have. On the off chance that I could give everybody one tip it is make one objective that works for you and your life that you can remain with you for quite a while that you can utilize and re-use.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

6 Best Ways to Cope With the Fear of Traveling

6 Best Ways to Cope With the Fear of Traveling More in Phobias Types Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Treatment The fear of traveling is known as hodophobia. The phobia manifests itself in numerous ways, from hesitancy to travel to new places to a near-inability to leave the home. Some people are afraid only of specific methods of transportation, such as planes or trains, while others fear being a passenger on all types of trips. Symptoms of Hodophobia Like all phobias, hodophobia often causes physical symptoms, such as shaking, sweating, or crying. You may also experience  gastrointestinal distress  and  headaches. Hodophobia often makes it difficult to perform the necessary tasks involved in a trip. You might find it tough to navigate the airport or cruise terminal, deal with checking your luggage, follow security procedures, and wait patiently in the event of a delay. You might become confused when checking into a hotel room, reading a map, or deciding where to eat. Tips for Coping With a Fear of Traveling Although it is best to consult with a mental health professional for any phobia, many people find that planning and organization can help combat mild symptoms of hodophobia. Plan Your Route: If you are driving to your destination, sit down with a map and plan how far you will travel each day. Make hotel reservations and note the locations of nearby restaurants. If you are traveling by public carrier, such as a ship or a plane, confirm your bookings a few days before you leave. Allow plenty of time to arrive early and make a backup plan in case of delays. Learn What to Expect: Search the Internet for information on your hotel. Look at deck plans for your cruise ship or seating charts for your plane or train. Learn where important facilities and amenities are located. Familiarize yourself with security procedures, and be sure not to pack anything that is prohibited. Visualize: In your minds eye, picture yourself walking through all the major steps in your journey. Watch yourself stroll through the airport, sit at your gate, and board the plane. Imagine yourself effortlessly negotiating city traffic and finding the perfect parking spot. Visualizing success builds confidence and reduces stress. Rest and Hydrate: Get plenty of sleep in the days leading up to your trip. Carry water throughout your journey along with a few salty snacks. Exhaustion and dehydration make it more difficult to face challenges. Avoid Alcohol and Drugs: Although it is tempting to take a sleeping pill or have a few glasses of wine and sleep through your trip, self-medicating can actually make you feel worse. Do not take anything without checking with your physician, and pay close attention to any special instructions the doctor provides. Take a Friend: If possible, avoid traveling alone. A companion can help you stay calm and handle  details such as checking bags or hailing a taxi. A friend may also run interference if you need time alone to calm down. Phobias Related to Hodophobia Hodophobia is sometimes confused with agoraphobia, but there are important differences. In agoraphobia, the specific fear is of being trapped during a panic attack. In hodophobia, the specific fear is of the travel itself. The difference is subtle and may be difficult to recognize. Hodophobia is often linked to  a variety of other disorders. Fears of flying, cruise ships, trains, and driving are sometimes at the heart of hodophobia. Claustrophobia, risk aversion, the fear of authority, and even performance anxiety sometimes play a role in this fear.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Facts About The Human Brain - 1247 Words

Psychologists are constantly researching the what, when, why, and how of various behaviors of people. One of the more popular topics in this field is memory and the different components involved in false memory in humans. A false memory occurs when a person recalls an event that never happened, or remembers an event differently from the way it happened. For the most part, our brain is a reliable source, but it does contain errors and it is easily tricked. There have been times where I have locked my car, walked into class, and forgot whether I locked my car or not within about a five minute time span. The human brain is complex and highly compartmentalized. Information is consistently getting filtered and filed away into different sections†¦show more content†¦Researchers studied whether illusory information could produce an error on a test when participants already knew the information. The participants read two short stories involving errors with common knowledge such as t he largest ocean being the Atlantic Ocean, when it is really the Pacific Ocean. After solving puzzles for five minutes, participants were to recognize the errors that conflicted with their prior knowledge. The researchers discovered that one exposure to false information in the stories caused participants to miss the correct answers on their final test. Knowledge neglect—having correct information stored in memory, but failing to retrieve it when necessary—was the root cause for this misinformation effect (Fazio, Barber, Rajaram, Ornstein, Marsh, 2013). False memories may be caused by a similar misinformation effect where people may be under certain physiological conditions, and are unable to retrieve a memory. Physiological conditions can alter the way memory works. If a person is stressed, depressed, ecstatic, angry, anxious, or nervous the brain becomes vulnerable to false memories. A study was conducted to study variables such as imagery, stress, and anxiety that influence the creation of false memories. Participants were shown fifty slides of pictures and words; keeping a mental note of animate and inanimate objects. Following this procedure, participants were to

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Persuasion, The, And Free Choice Essay - 2147 Words

Persuasion has been around as long as anyone could remember, from persuasion in the Aristotle era to present-day persuasion, it has been defined in many ways. There are many common themes that are associated with these different definitions. Activity/process, attempt to induce change, change in beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors, transmission, and free choice is a few of the common themes presented throughout time. (Perloff, 1933) The art of persuasion has always been a part of society, through many techniques people have now been able to persuade others. Techniques such as attention-getting, confidence building, desire, urgency stressing, and response seeking are how society gets persuaded. These techniques are used in print/digital advertising, TV commercials, politics, etc. This is important to know, due to the fact that some persuaders are just using techniques to build sales, con their way into something, or simply getting the people to give into their beliefs. Therefore, people could be believing something that isn’t actually doing what they claim it does. Recently, the use of persuasive tactics has been very blunt in politics, due to the 2016 Election. Both sides (Republican and Democrat) were using techniques in which connected with the public, thus making this election very nerve wrecking. Other industries who are very dominant in persuasion is the fashion industry due to women being more susceptible to advertising in which body and the social image is the keyShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Self Thinking935 Words   |  4 PagesTill death, humans face the uncertainty to their actions every day but through free will, mankind is able to hypothesize on the metaphysics of the choices made and if they are determined by factors that are not of hum an control. 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Corporate Social Responsibility in Banks Free Essays

string(27) " has not yet put into law\." Corporate Social Responsibility in Banks S. Kavitha[1] Abstract Corporate social responsibility stands for business contribution to sustainable development and covers company’s active participation in different fields, human rights, human resources, relations with clients, suppliers, and other stake holders, corporate governance, environment and contribution to community and society. The social responsible attitude is integral part of the identity of financial institutions like banks, and it is one of their distinctive features. We will write a custom essay sample on Corporate Social Responsibility in Banks or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Reserve Bank of India has asked the banks to pay special attention towards integration of social and environmental concerns in their business operations. Many of the newly formed private and foreign banks are aware of the importance of such a step and therefore are having an active CSR department in their banks. This paper is an attempt to explain the concept of corporate social responsibility and the different CSR practices followed by banks in India. Key Words: CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility, Friedman’s View, Carroll’s View, Discretionary Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility in Banks S. Kavitha[2] Introduction Corporate social responsibility stands for business contribution to sustainable development and covers company’s active participation in different fields, human rights, human resources, relations with clients, suppliers, and other stake holders, corporate governance, environment and contribution to community and society. The concept of social responsibility proposes that a private corporation has responsibilities to society that extend beyond making profit. Social responsibility is the way of life for most business organizations. It enables all such activities ranging from providing safe products and service to giving a portion of company’s profit to welfare organization. The social responsible attitude is integral part of the identity of financial institutions like banks, and it is one of their distinctive features. The Reserve Bank of India has asked the banks to pay special attention towards integration of social and environmental concerns in their business operations. Many of the newly formed private and foreign banks are aware of the importance of such a step and therefore are having an active CSR department in their banks. Concept of Social Responsibility: Corporate social responsibility is the sense of obligation on the part of companies to build social criteria in to their strategic decision-making. The concept implies that when companies evaluate decision from an critical perspective there should be presumption in favor of adopting course of action that enhance the welfare of society at large. The goals selected might be quite specific. To enhance the welfare of communities in which company is based. – To improve the environment – To empower employees to give them a sense of self worth. Different views on social responsibility Friedman’s Traditional View of Business Responsibility Urging a return to a laissez-faire worldwide economy with a minimum of government regulations, Friedman argues against the concept of social re sponsibility. Adam Smith and Milton Friedman, economists, according to them the only responsibility of business is to perform its economic functions efficiently and provide goods and services for society and earn maximum profits. By doing so business performs its economic functions and leaves the social functions to other institutions of society, such as the government. A businessperson who acts responsibly by cutting the price of the firm’s product to prevent inflation or by making expenditures to reduce pollution, or by hiring the hard-core unemployed, according to Friedman, is spending the shareholder’s money for general interest. Even if businessperson has shareholder permission or encouragement to do so, he or she is still acting from motives other than economic, in the long run; it may harm the society the firm is trying to help. Friedman referred o the social responsibility of business as ‘fundamentally subversive doctrine’ and stated that â€Å"There is one and only one social responsibility of business, to use its resources engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say, engages in open and free competition without deception of fraud. But this view is severely criticized on several grounds. On the other extreme, there is opposite view, which favors the position that it is imperative for businesses to be socially responsible. This is based on the argument that business organizations are a part of society and have to serve primarily societal interests rather than narrow economic objectives such as profit maximization. In doing so they have to deal with social concerns and issues and have to allocate resources for solving social problems. Carroll’s four responsibilities of business. Archie Carroll proposes that the managers of business organizations have four responsibilities Economic Responsibilities Economic responsibilities of a business organization’s management are to produce goods and services of value to society so that the firm can repay for its creditors and shareholders. Legal Responsibilities Legal responsibilities are defined by governments in laws that management is expected to obey. For eg, U. S. business firms are required to hire and promote people based on their credentials rather then to discriminate based on non-job-related characteristics such as race, gender or religion. Ethical Responsibilities Ethical responsibilities of an organization’s management are to ollow the generally held beliefs about behavior in a society. E. g. , Society generally expects firms to work with the employees and the community is planning for layoffs, even though no law may require this. The affected people can get very upset if an organization’s management fails to act according to generally prevailing ethical values. Discretionary Responsibilities Discretionary responsibilities are the purely voluntary obligations a corporation assumes. Examples are philanthropic contributions, training the hard-core unemployed, and providing day care centers. The difference between ethical and discretionary responsibilities is that few people expect an organization to fulfill discretionary responsibilities, whereas many expect an organization to fulfill ethical ones. Carroll lists these four responsibilities in order of priority. Social responsibility includes both ethical and discretionary but not economic and legal responsibilities. A firm can fulfill its ethical responsibilities by taking actions that society tends to value but has not yet put into law. You read "Corporate Social Responsibility in Banks" in category "Papers" When ethical responsibilities are satisfied, a firm can focus on discretionary responsibilities. The discretionary responsibilities of today can become the ethical responsibilities of tomorrow. E. g. , Provision of day care facilities, is moving rapidly from being discretionary to ethical responsibility. Benefits received from being socially responsible 1. Being known as a socially responsible firm may provide a company a competitive advantage. Programs to reduce pollution can actually reduce waste and maximize resource productivity. 2. Their environment concerns may enable them to charge premium prices and gain brand loyalty. (Ben Jerry’s Homemade Inc. ) 3. Their trustworthiness may help them generate enduring relationships with suppliers and distributors without needing to spend a lot of time and money policing contracts. (Maytag) 4. They can attract outstanding employees who prefer working for a responsible firm (Procter Gamble) 5. They are more likely to be welcomed into foreign country (Levi Strauss) 6. They can utilize the goodwill of public officials for support in difficult times (e. . Minnesota supported Dayton-Hudson’s fight to avoid being acquired by Dart Industries of Maryland) 7. They are more likely to attract capital infusions from investors who view reputable companies as desirable long-term investments (Rubbermaid). CSR in India India has been named among the top ten Asian countries who are paying an increasing importance towards corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure norms , a survey says. According to social enterprise CSR Asia’s Asian Sustainability Ranking (ASR), India was ranked fourth in the list, which was topped by Australia. The other countries in the list include China (second), Hong Kong (Third), Japan (fifth), Malaysia (sixth), Pakistan (seventh), Philippines (eighth), Singapore (ninth) and Thailand (tenth). The 2009 ASR list was dominated by Australian companies, with eight out of the top ten companies analysed coming from there, followed by India, the survey said. However, the report further said although there are increasing levels of disclosure in the Asian region, it still is generally poor compared with Europe and North America. In India we find surprisingly high levels of disclosure, particularly from large companies with recognised brands such as Tata and Infosys. Leading oil companies (such as ONGC and the Indian Oil Corporation) also have reasonable levels of disclosure,† the report said. CSR initiatives in banks The benefits of CSR for companies include increased profit, customer loyalty, trust, positive brand attitude and combating negative publicity. CSR strategies have been embrace d by the international banking community. 0 Major international private banks have signed the Equator Principles agreement which supports socially responsible development. (Eg of such banks are Citigroup, JPMorgan, Bank of America, ABN Amro, Barclays, HSBC and ING). Research suggests that dissatisfaction is the major reason why customers switch banks this arises mainly because of rising fee. Normally to get more favorable price, customers try to switch banks. Most of the customers have accounts in more than one bank so they find it very easy to compare the services and accordingly they do their transactions. So, customer turnover has become an important issue for the banks. The customer loss may have an adverse effect on bank market share and profit. So if the banks concentrate more on CSR and spent more for this that will create a good image for the banks which in turn will bring many new customers to the banks and also the customer loss can be reduced. RBI guidelines on CSR The Reserve Bank of India is now rooting for environment conservation and fair social practices. The central bank has asked banks to put in place a suitable and appropriate plan of action towards helping the cause of ‘sustainable development’, with the approval of their boards. Spurred on by the worldwide momentum in sustainable development and the initiative being taken on various fronts by different organisations, including all major banks globally, Indian banks have been encouraged to actively look at corporate social responsibility, sustainable development and non-financial reporting. Among banks in India, ABN Amro Bank was the first to put out a ‘sustainability report’ recently. It includes key indicators on the bank and its subsidiaries’ environmental (like paper, water and electricity usage) and social governance performance. Other companies, which issue sustainability reports, include ITC, Tata Tea, Dr Reddy’s and Reliance. Sustainable development essentially refers to the process of maintenance of the quality of environmental and social systems in the pursuit of economic development. Non-financial reporting is basically a system of reporting by organisations on their activities, which includes environmental, social and economic accounting. Best CSR practices in Banks – Some Examples SBI – State Bank of India Apart from the normal banking operations, the Bank, as a responsible and responsive corporate citizen, seeks to reinvest part of its profit in various community welfare projects to improve the quality of life of the poor, neglected, weaker and downtrodden sections of society. In the financial year 2007-08, the Bank made donations aggregating Rs. . 11 crore to various Relief Funds and also to NGOs / Trusts / Societies for their projects with social orientation. In recognition of its contribution to Rural Community Development, the Bank was awarded the prestigious Reader’s Digest Pegasus Corporate Social Responsibilities Award 2007. Infact, it was the only Bank to have received this recognition. Under a new scheme named ‘Adoption of t he Girl Child’ over 8,300 poor girl children have been adopted by various branches throughout the country to meet their personal and educational expenses. This is not merely a financial assistance scheme but offers emotional and psychological support to the ‘adopted girls’ due to the active involvement and care of the SBI Ladies Clubs. From the Research and Development Fund, the Bank has so far extended Rs. 6. 61 crore as research grants to 71 chairs / research projects at various Universities and Academic institutions. For the current year SBI has extended 100000 Sterling Pounds to London School of Economics for establishing an India Observatory and I. G. Patel Chair at their Asia Research Centre in participation with RBI. ICICI Foundation An example for CSR practices by banks is the ICICI foundation. ICICI Bank runs a very active and well known foundation in India but there is no clearly visible link of the ICICI Foundation on the website. ICICI is also very active in its support of government programs to improve the livelihoods of people. ICICI Bank has joined hands with NGOs to reach out to children in ten states helping them have better access to education Standard Chartered Bank The HIV/AIDS pandemic is a global challenge faced by Standard Chartered as a business. In different developing countries HIV has a significant impact and they respond to this programme through Living with HIV programme, , a global policy aimed at protecting basic human rights, promoting the health of their employees and keeping the business costs associated with HIV/AIDS to a minimum. The programme is well established and focuses on the following areas: †¢Raising awareness with their employees through training Educating local people about the prevention and treatment of HIV †¢Strengthening their position as thought leaders in HIV/AIDS †¢Sharing their knowledge with other organisations Standard Chartered, which happens to be one of the country’s largest international banks, is involved in real partnerships with local community organisations, involving active participation of its employees in their community projects. It is the human face of banks. Or what is call ed corporate social responsibility, the new term devised for the social service that companies do with some of their profits. The global community programme of the bank is called ‘Believing in Life’. Part of this is the internal initiative ‘Living with HIV’. An extension of the programme in Africa, it seeks to create awareness about this deadly disease and thus help prevention by educating all its staff across the different countries from where the bank operates. Banks like HDFC, SBI, ICICI, HDFC, Standard Chartered Bank are now active in a host of areas including primary education, women empowerment, rehabilitation of poor, and aged environmental issues Future of CSR The Corporate Social Responsibility has increased in importance around the world. The world becomes a global village in the information technology era. Sharing and accessing of information become very easy. All big companies are expanding their business opportunities all over the world. Simultaneously the CSR activities also expanding speedily where company initiatives started. Now these days every company feels CSR is unavoidable and responsible thing. Moreover companies allocating separate budget and deploying professionals for CSR initiatives. It shows that it is emerging as a powerful thing in social development sector. The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is high on every corporate agenda. Social commitment is an essential part of every company. Corporate social responsibility involves the aspiration to make a positive contribution to the progress of the company and society. If a company initiates CSR wing the company concerned need to work hard consequently on a formal, coherent and transparent policy in this field. Then only the CSR will become a potential area for development of the society. Conclusion The rapid information technology innovations are changing the face of Corporate Social Responsibility. The concept of CSR is still debatable in democratic countries. There is a major criticism in all over the world is corporate companies are utilizing this concept to build their business expansion. Through this concept corporate companies are liaison and lobbying with higher bureaucracy in the government to get permissions/licenses to their companies easily. Many companies are getting tax exemptions by carrying out these social development activities. The increased awareness of CSR has also come about as a result of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, in which a major goal is the increased contribution of assistance from large organizations, especially Multi-National Corporations, to help alleviate poverty and hunger, and for businesses to be more aware of their impact on society. There is a lot of potential for CSR to help with development in poor countries, especially community-based initiatives. CSR can be very much useful for the financial institutions like banks to get good reputation in the society. Banks should do the CSR activities to the fullest benefit to the society and not just for the sake of doing it. References Sen, S. , Bhattacharya, C. B. , Korshun, D. (2006), â€Å"The role of corporate social responsibility in strengthening multiple stakeholder relationships: a field experiment†, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 34 pp. 158-66. Bhattacharya, C. B. , Sankar Sen and Daniel Korschun (2008), â€Å"Using Corporate Social Responsibility to Win the War for Talent,† MIT Sloan Management Review, 49 (2), 37-44; â€Å"The Good Company†, The Economist (2005-01-20). Retrieved on 2008-25-07 Financial Express, Wednesday, Oct 28, 2009 at 1541 hrs IST http://www. karmayog. org/csr501to1000/csr501to1000_21878. htm http://www. csbanking. com. au/ http://economictmes. indiatimes. com/News http://www. deccanherald. com/deccanherald/july202004/spt9. asp; http://www. financialexpress. com/fe_full_story. php ———————– [1] S. Kavitha, MBA,MCA. ,MPhil. ,NET. , Asst. Prof, MBA, Vivekanandha Institute of Information Management Studies, Tiruchengode, Namakkal Dt. , – 637 205, Research Scholar, Anna University, Coimbatore Phone:99421-60277, email: kavi_sulur@hotmail. om [2] S. Kavitha, MBA,MCA. ,MPhil. ,NET. , Asst. Prof, MBA, Vivekanandha Institute of Information Management Studies, Tiruchengode, Namakkal Dt. , – 637 205, Research Scholar, Anna University, Coimbatore Phone:99421-60277, email: kavi_sulur@hotmail. com ———————– Economic Le gal Ethical Discretionary (Must do) (Have to do) (Should do) (Might do) Social responsibilities How to cite Corporate Social Responsibility in Banks, Papers

Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Raven Essays (757 words) - Literature, Fiction,

The Raven Few American authors have obtained the level of popularity that Edgar Allen Poe has risen to. This popularity and his trademark macabre writing style have made some of his literary works such as The Raven a long-time classic in literature. This work in particular, exhibits some characteristics of folklore. Folklore has long been associated with oral passage, custom-related themes and unknown authors; however, I believe that there are exceptions to the typical definition and that almost all literary works, old and new, have at least a trace element of folklore contained within them. The Raven is a poem that, which at first glance depicts a man reading a book (about forgotten lore) in his bedroom late at night that seems to be on the edge of sanity. After a series of tappings at his bedroom door he later finds a bird perched above his door. He asks the bird several questions, all of which are answered with, nevermore. After reading the poem carefully it is apparent that the man is mourning over his beloved Lenore. The man believes the raven will end his sorrow, respite and nepenthe from thy memories of Lenore. (Nepenthe is a reference from The Odyssey of a drug that prevents grief) In the end the bird ends up robbing the man of his hope, And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor shall be lifted ? nevermore! There are several superstitious references throughout the poem, the first and most obvious is the raven. The raven can also be classified as a myth or legend - the taker of souls and deliverer of death. The raven has long been associated with both evil and death. Why would Poe choose a raven as the messenger of nevermore? I believe the bird was chosen because of its ability to fly and ascend into the heavens and its legendary status as a soul taker. Poe writes, And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor; And my soul out of that shadow that lies floating on the floor; Shall be lifted - nevermore. There is an old superstition that anyone who falls under a raven's shadow will have his soul taken from him. It is that superstition which Poe uses to doom the man in his bedroom. The man will forever dwell in misery and lost hope. The raven is not the only mythological reference throughout the poem. Poe makes a reference to Pallas, which is another name for the Greek goddess of warfare Athena. Poe writes, Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door - perched, and sat, and nothing more. The image of the raven perched on the goddess of war fills the mind with images of violence, loss of hope, doom, and insanity, which seems to be part of the theme in the poem. There is another reference made to a mythological character, Pluto. Pluto, according to legend, is the god of the underworld or Hell. The man believes that the raven wanders from the Plutonian night's shore. This further perpetuates the underling theme of darkness and doom. Color is a symbolic part of the poem. There are several references made to the color black, which is tied customarily to funeral attire, evil, death, and the over-all fear of the night. There is one particular reference made to a dirge, which implants dark images in the reader's mind. The black raven, which is part of the evil and dark motif in the poem, robs the man of his soul on a late bleak December night. Late bleak December is synonymous with frigid cold, pain, depression, and an overall lack of color. This (late bleak December) is a description of the inhospitable climate in which the misery associated with the raven thrives. The use of color is powerful throughout the poem and could lead to a tremendous amount of interpretation. The Raven incorporates myths, legends, superstitions, and a motif making it one of Poe's most interesting pieces. The poem is written in a way that leaves the ending up to the interpretation of the reader. Does the man die or does he go insane? My personal interpretation is that the man